Wellbi is the product of thorough research and the real-life experiences of an OVC (orphaned and vulnerable children)-care organisation in South Africa (www.mosaicsa.org). It is a marriage between science and real life, creating a user-friendly tool, which will assist in data-driven decision-making and effective use of resources towards greater impact.

Meyer and Louise Conradie founded an OVC-care organisation in 2009 and through their experiences learnt that there is a great need for a measuring and evaluation tool that is specific to the OVC care sector. They realised that hard science and the hearts of employees needed to be used together, to ensure a true and lasting impact. Wellbi’s suitability in the impact space was soon recognised and it is being used in a wide range of organisations, serving various types of beneficiaries.

Empowering on a global scale

Wellbi is empowering change on a global scale. We are making a positive impact across 7 diverse countries.


By collecting and analysing data, NGO's gain valuable insights into community needs, track progress, and optimise their efforts. Wellbi does exactly that.

A trusted choice

We are proud to be the trusted choice for 43 organisations, helping them measure the effectiveness of their programmes and interventions for over 63,000 beneficiaries.



Meet Our Expert Team

We talk a lot about hope helping and teamwork.

“Our vision is to help organisations move beyond counting the number of beneficiaries they serve, but to quantify the change they are effecting in their lives” – Meyer Conradie, Wellbi CEO

Meyer Conradie


Madelein de Jager

Customer Relationship

Eileen de Kock

Sales Manager

Marius Annandale

Support Technician

Edgar Trollip

Sales Specialist

Mbavhalelo Makgato

Support Technician

Katleho Mohale

Customer relationship

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